Monday, October 26, 2009

Summary of the day......

It was a very busy day at work today.....some mondays are worse than others. I'm happy to be home. The animals are all fed and seem content. I've eaten my supper and now I will enjoy a cup of coffee and catch up on some reading. Tomorrow I will bring my new rescue dog to work with me..... she is scheduled for a spay. She is a wonderful loving australian shepherd and has adapted to this household perfectly.

Friday, September 18, 2009

very cool outside this morning....40 degrees at 5 am. The dogs are fed and I've had a bowl of cereal and first cup of coffee. Now out to feed the horses. Then get ready for work.....only work till noon today.....yeah.....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

had a busy day at work, usually the first day back after long weekend is crazy.....fed the horses,dogs and cats. I think I will get to bed early tonight. Good night.